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Scent Work & Reactivity
Scent Work as a Sport.....and Scent Work for Reactive and Fear Based Dogs?
What are the benefits?
Scent Work gives ALL dogs a natural outlet for a natural behaviour.
It is great for those dogs who like to sniff on walks and teaches them to properly use their nose to find a specific scent. It's an amazing outlet and a fantastic source of the wonderful Dopamine...the happiest of happy hormones!
Reactive and Fear Based dogs specifically benefit from Scent Work as it teaches the dog to relax and use their natural senses to have some fun, all whilst building bonds with the human on the other end of the lead.
Once they have a grasp of the sport we then ask the dog to work away from their handler which goes on to teach independent confidence, the best kind of confidence your dog will ever achieve.
I use Scent Work for ALL of my reactive and fear based rehabilitation dogs I take in to my rescue. It really does make a difference, I'd love to show you this journey because it will surprise you just how much of a massive difference it makes to your dog.
We also like to ensure we get out and about searching "Live Sites" to generalise the game of Search with our dogs and to nesure us humans are having fun with it too!
To Start your journey, check out what I have availble by hitting the Book Now button below!
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